Visibility of different operators' destinations and routes on the new service

National Parks Finland is developing a digital service that brings together sites, routes and services related to the outdoor activities of central government, municipalities, associations and companies nationally. The main idea of the new National Parks Finland services is to provide people moving around in Finland’s nature with all the necessary information on outdoor activities and recreational services with a so-called one-window principle. The aim is to publish the first versions of the new National Parks Finland application and the online service free of charge for everyone at the end of 2024. 

Visibility and benefits of the nature sites of a municipality, association or company in the new service 

  • The locations and routes of hiking and outdoor activities, cycling, fishing and canoeing can be viewed nationally on a map from which you can search for them with different properties. Later, you will be able to search for sites and routes in the area of your choice (coming in 2025). This will raise awareness of outdoor recreation opportunities for the municipality's residents and increase the attractiveness of the municipality for tourists.  
  • New information on destinations and routes will be presented, designed in co-operation with customers and species experts. This will encourage people to try new sports and get outdoors more often, increasing their well-being.
  • The essential rules for hiking and outdoor destinations are presented in an understandable and coherent way, for example from the perspective of everyone's rights. This will increase safety and responsible use of nature.

Visibility in the new National Parks Finland services requires: 

  • The data provider must be the official owner or operator of the site or route, or an entity designated by the owner/operator.
  • The contents of the descriptions of sites, routes and structures presented in the National Parks Finland services are entered into the Lipas system developed by the University of Jyväskylä. The Lipas project organises training sessions on data entry and grants access rights to the system.
  • Lipas Project Manager Tapani Laakso, 0400 247 980, lipasinfo(at)