Huts in Western Finland

How to Use Huts

Archipelago National Park

Helvetinjärvi National Park

Isojärvi National Park

Kurjenrahka National Park

Kvarken Archipelago Nature Reserve

Lauhanvuori National Park

Peuran polku Trail

Teijo National Park website gives information on Metsähallitus rental huts, open wilderness huts, reservable wilderness huts, day trip huts and turf huts.

Terms of reservation

Read the terms of reservation.

Safety Tip

There are fire alarms at wilderness huts, but we recommend to bring a 9 V battery and/or your own travel fire alarm with you.

Information for Companies and Big Groups

Do you plan to organize guided excursions to the Finnish National Parks or other protected areas? It is possible due to partnership agreement with Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.


Many kinds of Huts for the Hiker. Please note, that it is not allowed for big groups or commercial groups to overnight in Open Wilderness Huts and in Day-use Huts

Try the Traditional Finnish Sauna

Rental Saunas:

Liesjärvi National Park

Riuttaskorpi Recreational Forest area

Reservable Cooking shelters

Seitseminen National Park